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Post time: 2024-07-30
Damar (English: Dammar gum) is a secretion (sap or gum) from the Shorea sp., Vatica sp., Dryobalanops sp., and others from the meranti-merantian or Dipterocarpaceae family. It includes cat's eye resin and dark resin. Resin is used in making matches (to prevent fire from burning wood too quickly), plastic, plaster, varnish, and shellac. Damar gum is a triterpenoid resin, containing many triterpenes and their oxidation products. Many of them are low molecular weight compounds (dammarane, damarenolic acid, oleanane, oleanonic acid, etc.), but resin also contains a polymer fraction, which is composed of polycadinene.
Damar is used in food, as a clouding agent or glazing agent, and in incense, varnish, and other products. "Dammar varnish", made from resin mixed with turpentine, was introduced as a drawing varnish in 1826, usually used in oil paintings, both during the painting process and after the painting is finished. Resin crystals are also dissolved in molten paraffin wax to make batik, to prevent the wax from cracking when painted on silk or rayon.
Source : https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damar