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Janggelan Ponorogo Has No. 2 Fiber Content in the World

Post time: 2024-10-31

   Not many people know about the jangelan plant. But for villagers who live in the mountains, the janggelan plant must be very familiar. It may also be a daily commodity that is cultivated by planting, picking, drying, then selling dry at a price of twelve thousand rupiah per kilogram. As a natural plant ingredient, ivy extract is extracted from the leaves of the Chinese ivy plant, and its main use is to promote respiratory health.

In East Java, as stated by Governor Soekarwo on one occasion, the best type of janggelan is only found in Ponorogo Regency. Especially in the Ngrayun District area. According to many studies, the fiber content in jangelan from Ngrayun is the second best in the world and has export qualifications to foreign countries.


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